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How to keep your Telegram channel members?

The things I have mentioned so far were to increase the Telegram channel members.

But more important than increasing the number of Telegram channel members is to think about preserving them.

In many cases, retaining channel members is much more tedious than raising them.

The following tips will help you retain most of your channel members.

Why buy Telegram members ??

Today, social applications have become very popular among the people, among which Telegram has a very large share in social networks, so that almost most companies and government organizations also use this network to inform and report on their services.

In the meantime, there are people who have created a business for themselves by creating telegram channels, but the competition for increasing the members and in other words, making the channels more populous has increased day by day, and we have reached the principle that among telegram channels The more successful ones have more members and more credibility through these members, but the point is how to get your Telegram channel on track with the cheapest services, one of the most common tasks for a new channel.

It has been established and it is considered anonymous.

Buy cheap Telegram members, suppose you are the person who enters the channel for the first time.

Well, first of all, you look at the number of people who have joined the channel and the number of members of that channel for you.

An important criterion for ranking and credibility Dan belongs to that channel and plays a big role in deciding whether or not to stay in that channel.

Of course, we do not hide the fact that the quality and quality of the content posted in the channel will also play a significant role.

Top ads have provided you with the way to buy your Telegram member at a much cheaper price than competitors, first to increase the credibility of your channel, and then by providing real members to keep most of these members after subscribing to the channel Be more successful, but the offer of superior advertisements along with these works is to increase the quality of the submitted posts and the subject of the channel, in order to achieve a desirable result together.

If you are going to buy cheap and real Telegram members, be sure to pay attention to the following points.

Increasing Telegram members, the best ways to raise members in the Telegram channel

Increasing Telegram members is always one of the concerns of the managers of this software channels.

As you know, the higher the members of a channel, the higher the rank of the channel and of course your income.

In this article, we will introduce the best ways to increase the members of the Telegram channel.

Buy Telegram Fake Members

1. Do not prefer quantity to quality!

It does not matter how much content you publish on your channel per day! The quality of the content you submit is important.

Do not try to make your channel members loyal by sending irrelevant and unimportant posts to your channel topic. By doing this, you only hit them from your channel.

2. Submit your channel posts on time

Depending on the knowledge of your audience, try to send your posts at regular intervals.

Never overdo your posts. Try to condition your audience.

For example, always send them a post at 10 am.

Posts sent between 2 am and 8 am are usually not well received.

3. Interact with your channel audience

Connect with your channel members.

Be aware of their tastes.

For example, by launching a survey, ask them if they are more interested in topics.

This will make their presence on your channel longer.

If your field allows, ask them to send you their posts or photos to publish on your channel.

4. Do not advertise your channel!

Do not overdo the sending of advertising posts.

Because this will greatly reduce your channel members.

The people on your channel are because of the useful content you share with them.

They do not want your channel to become a hangout for advertising.

If you plan to exchange with other channels or place ads on your channel, set aside a certain amount of time to do so.

5. Justify your channel managers

If you use other managers to produce content or manage your channel more easily, be sure to fully justify them.

For example, tell them that all posts must have your own channel tag.

Or ask them not to use too much copy content from other channels.

Check the posting time of posts with them.

Buy Telegram Fake Members

6. Invite your site visitors to your Telegram channel

There are many ways to get your site visitors to your Telegram channel.

One of these ways is to invite your site users to content that is only published on your Telegram channel.

Everything that does not exist on your site and is only on your Telegram channel and the user has to come to your Telegram channel to see that content.

You can also invite your site users to subscribe to your Telegram channel via email.

For example, send them an email and mention that something will be published on our Telegram channel tonight at 10 o'clock, or that our new product will be displayed along with a special discount for Telegrams so as not to miss it.

Take this opportunity to subscribe to our Telegram channel right now.

You can also consider special offers for visitors who visit your site to visit your Telegram channel.

For example, you can make an offer before a visitor leaves your site.

Give him a pop-up template.

You can also invite visitors and members of your site to your Telegram channel in all posts of your site.

For example, you can design a banner like the one below and place all your site posts in the ads below.

7. Increasing the Telegram channel member by using sponsorship

One of the best ways to attract a Telegram channel member is to use the sponsorship method.

Surely you have seen the groups and channels above which the post is constantly pinned?

This method is actually the same sponsor that is very useful for increasing Telegram members.

Using this advertising method is a bit expensive, but the best way to quickly attract thousands of members to your Telegram channel.

Telegram sponsorship If the content of your channel is high quality and very attractive, do not doubt that using this method will be very beneficial for you.

For example, if your post is sponsored in a channel of 50,000 members, with each post that is placed in the channel, an average of about 30 people will see your channel and become members of your channel.

Now calculate what happens if your sponsored post is on this channel for a month?

8. Increasing the Telegram member by using sub-collection robots

One of the best ways to increase Telegram members to use sub-collection robots.

You must have seen that in order to post in some telegram groups, you first need to become a member of channels and then you will be allowed to post.

Your channel can be part of one of these channels for members.

To use this method, you must enter into negotiations with the admin channels that have the subdomain robot.

These methods are part of the monetary methods to increase Telegram channel members, but they will be very effective for you.

Of course, you can also use this method yourself, that is, build your own subset robot, which is a bit of a hassle.

To get started, you need to have the source code of the Telegram robot and use a quality and reliable host to load the source and web hook your Telegram robot, which is a complex process.

Free tutorials for doing this are available on websites that you can use.

9. Advertising to increase Telegram channel members

You can also use advertising methods to increase the number of members of your Telegram channel.

There are many advertising methods to increase members, some of which I will introduce to you.

One of the best ways to increase members is to use the forced ed method.

In this way, your channel members are forced to be added to your channel.

Paying for members is also one of the targeted ways to increase Telegram members.

In this method, in exchange for attracting each member, you have to pay an amount that varies according to the number of members you request, advertising غير مجاز مي باشدts in this method.

Another common method of advertising to attract members is advertising on popular channels.

Channels with many members are definitely a good option for your ads.

But the important thing is to try to advertise on big channels, be sure to prepare attractive advertising content because otherwise you can not attract many members to your channel and you may waste a lot of budget.

Conclusion and last word

My last suggestion is not to use Telegram Fake members in any way.

I even suggest you do not use bots and automatic posting software in groups.

If it's really a specialized cartoon, try using the basic methods I mentioned in this article to increase your Telegram channel members.

I hope you have used this article enough.


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Buy Telegram members

If you own an online business and want to grow it, one of your options is to connect with the customer and sell more product ads on the Telegram channel.

These days, channels and their members are one of the most valuable assets of any business.

On the other hand, the global Subscribers market is also very hot. But why be careful in buy telegram members?

Why is the world member the most valuable type of member? Follow us in the rest of the article to find the answers to these questions.

Today, social networks and messengers have become an integral element in the lives of people around the world.

Our country is no exception to this rule and many worlds use different messengers and social networks every day.

But one of the top messengers that has been able to attract the most audience in the world is the popular Telegram messengers.

Telegram with its unique features such as a very smooth user interface, the possibility of using it as a cloud space, very high security and. . . It has become the first option for online messaging.

One of the most attractive features of Telegram is the existence of channels.

Anyone can create a channel for themselves and talk to their audience in it one-way.

The importance of channels lies in the high speed of information transfer and ease of use.

The topics of these channels are very diverse and wide, including news, entertainment, politics, economics, business, and so on. . . Cited.

Canals have become so popular that they sometimes have as many members as a city.

The more subscribers you have, the easier it will be for new users to join your channel.

Increasing your Telegram channel Subscribers is one of the concerns of Telegram channel managers that can boost your business.

Considering that in the early days of starting the Telegram channel, you need to expand the content of the product and increase the members of the Telegram channel, you should gain users 'trust in the channel.

One of the points that can help you grow your business and increase users' trust Help buy Telegram members and increase channel members

Ways to increase Telegram channel members

Which channel is the most valuable channel for a business?

You probably guessed right.

The channels that have the most audience (members) and of course those audiences also have the most interaction with the channel.

Now the main question is how to increase the members of a channel and how to interact with them better and more effectively.

Here are some very effective ways to increase subscribers:

1. Choose an attractive name for your channel.

If you are not yet a well-known brand and are free to choose your channel name, try to choose an attractive name for your channel.

The name of a channel is like the name on the cover of a book.

Try to keep the name you choose short and easy to remember.

Avoid choosing generic names and do not assign more than two or three words to the channel name.

Do not select popular channel names in any way.

Rest assured this will not attract you to the Subscribers.

If you were asked to introduce a telegram channel for entertainment, what would you call it?

We suggest you think about the features of these names and then choose your channel name.

2. Do not ignore the importance of the username (user name).

You will have to choose a username for your channel when creating the channel.

If you want your target audience to find you more easily, try to match your username to your channel name.

Also avoid changing the spelling of English words.

Try to name your channel so that it can be typed in English.

Finally, if your username is completely different from the channel name, we suggest changing the channel name and adapting it to the username.

3. Take the channel description and profile photo seriously.

The first person to open your channel is more likely to go to the channel description and read it.

Try to express the most important points that are interesting for your audience with the shortest sentences and the simplest words.

In this case, the person will become a member of your channel and will accept that you are worth following.

Telegram channel images are also very important. Human video memory is much more powerful than text memory, so you should try to create a unique image for your channel.

Remember that Telegram displays profile pictures in a circle.

If you could use this feature to select the photo you want.

4. Use images in posts.

A picture is thousands of words.

Statistics show that content published in image format usually accounts for more than 50% of total daily views.

Also, most of the content produced is visual (about 50%), text (about 25.5%), video (about 16.2%). So use relevant and attractive images in your posts.

If you use video, do not forget to choose very high volumes for your videos. If you use post or video, be sure to put your channel or brand watermark in the corner.

Using this method, if your post is shared, people who are not your members will be introduced to your channel.

5. Generate content for the audience.

After purchasing members, content production is the most important point for the target audience.

Note that your audience will follow you because of the value you place on them.

So if he is going to dedicate his time to you, you have to give him something more valuable than time.

Always think about what your members need, what they expect from you, and why they are still following you.

Get feedback from your audience and be sure to do so will find the audience much more loyal than you thought.

6- Advertising on social networks

This can be done with or without غير مجاز مي باشدt.

If you post to other Telegram groups or even other social networks, it is likely that other people will join your channel.

If your business has a website or other social network, You can attract new members by placing your channel link in it.

By interacting with other telegram channels, you can also ask them to forward one of your posts on their channel by exchanging links or even spending money.

Telegram members Kind

Virtual Member / Fake Member

1- It does not fall at all unless it deletes the telegram. Shelf life No drop from 40 days to 600 days

2- Members have no activity

3- Only for working class and that the number of channel members is high. That means they do not become customers for you. Otherwise they directly improve the view of other users towards your channel.

Purchase, order Telegram member

Real member - mandatory ed with open lift

1- These members have no advantages and have been forcibly entered into your channel.

2- Members have no activity

3- Be sure to read more explanations in the relevant article

Purchase, order Telegram member

Real member - mandatory ed with open lift

1- These members have no advantages and have been forcibly entered into your channel.

2- Members have no activity

3- Be sure to read more explanations at the bottom of the table

Purchase, order Telegram member

Real Member - Compulsory ed with lift closed

1- The drop is very small, about 20%. These users have also entered your channel by force, but they are not allowed to leave temporarily

2- Members have no activity

3- Only for working class and the number of channel members. This means that you will not be able to read the desired article for more explanations

Buy real members

One of the cheapest and most effective ways to increase the number of channel members is to buy members.

But how is this done? There are different types of members and methods for doing this, but the most effective type is buy real members.

Fake or bot members are just passive ids that subscribe en masse to channels.

But these members will never buy from you, will never even visit your posts, and will only increase the number of members.

Therefore, buying real members is the best option for your channel.

Why buy members from TgMembers?

With a team specializing in social media marketing, TJMembers increases the number of Telegram members of your page in a purposeful and practical way.

Leave the attraction of your real, active and purposeful member to us.

If you also work in other social networks such as Instagram, you can buy Instagram followers from TJMembers site.

These followers are the best and highest quality type of followers.

Other TJMembers Services

In addition to Telegram services, TJMembers has Instagram services such as buy Instagram followers - buy real followers - buy cheap followers - buy Fake followers and other small and large services such as Instagram like-increasing services - buy Instagram visits - buy Instagram comments, which If you need the services of other social networks, you can send a message to Telegram support.

TG Member as one of the oldest Telegram member buying authorities with more than 5 years of experience in selling Telegram members and Instagram services such as buying cheap followers, real followers, fake followers, and buy Instagram likes, adhering to the 4 principles of instant delivery Member - 24-hour support and sale of cheap Telegram members and money back guarantee in case of user dissatisfaction to become the largest Telegram member store in line with the best Russian member sales sites.

As soon as you enter TJMembers site, you will be faced with a large display of Telegram members increases.


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All About Real Telegram Subscribers

What is the difference between buying real subscribers and a fake member?
What is the advantage of buying real subscribers?
What are the methods to increase Telegram channel membership?
How to improve your business by buying real members from TGMembers?
Which type of member is better?

Telegram is one of the newest fast , simple and secure messengers for sending messages on Android and other mobile platforms, which is similar to the Whats App application but has more features.
Voice and video calling, creating channels, groups and sending videos, photos and files up to 1 GB in size and various emoticons and encrypting your information are some of the features of Telegram software.
Today, Telegram is a very suitable platform for content production, business expansion, communication, etc.

With the emergence of each phenomenon and tool, along with it, new behaviors and patterns appear accordingly and it is necessary to take a position on it with a central system thinking.

With the advent of Telegram and Instagram and the importance of them, the attraction of follower members for pages, channels and bots and tools for buying fake members also grew.

And some pages and channels buy fake members or followers to grow and exploit their audience.

People from all over the world always use this powerful application for various purposes.
But there is no doubt that Telegram is one of the best ways to expand your business, both online and offline.

What is Telegram subscribers?

Any user who registers in Telegram or other social programs such as Whats App , Viber , etc. is called a member.

You and I, and anyone who works for Telegram and is a member of any group or channel, will be a member of that group or channel.

How to improve your business by buying real subscribers from TG?

First, every business needs its customers.
Anyone from around the world can be a customer depending on the content of your business, but someone will buy from you who trusts your business.
What builds customer trust?
Imagine there is a sales channel with 100 members with views of 20 to 80 posts and on the opposite side of the channel with several members and several views you will definitely buy from the second channel.
So by buying real member you will have more action which will lead to more trust and as a result better sales.
(Real members will not have many views.)
Click here to buy View.

What is the difference between buying real members and fake members?
Real Member: A real member is a member who is randomly assigned from all over the world.
Users or members who are active and visit posts, groups, etc. and are active and send posts are called real members.

Fake member of a telegram , is fake subscribers of a channel. In the world of telegrams, the value and credibility of channels is equal to the number of its subscribers , which is followed by the quality of production of the products of that channel.

Therefore, many admins prefer to buy real subscribers according to their needs.
We offer you to buy real subscribers + buy views.
subscribers Fake : Users who are made with special methods or robots or special software and do not actually work humanely are called subscribers fakes.

What is the benefit of fake subscribers for a channel manager? It must be said that it has almost no tangible benefit. It is natural that the admins of the Telegram channel are looking to increase their subscribers in order to increase their credit and visits, to earn money online or to grow their business. This has led some channel managers to think that by getting a fake subscribers. They can reach this conclusion.

Well , as I explained above, the real subscribers is a person like you and me who go to the telegram and join and watch channels or groups and participate in conversations and ....

But fake subscribers , because he is a robot, either made with software or by other methods, can not work like you and me, and finally, with certain methods, he can fake or fake only the posts or photos or videos of the channel or group. Do it.

What are the methods to increase Telegram channel subscribers?

They do this in different ways, some of which are mentioned below:


1- Adding the user by the administrator or administrators: This method, which is the first step to increase and add a subscribers to the channel or group, is such that the creator of the group or channel can use the list of contacts on his phone and only among two-way users (Mutual Contact - users Add both you and them to your group or channel.

In this method, Telegram allows you to add up to 200 users to avoid disturbance, which you should use other methods in the continuation of this article to further increase.



2- Advertisements in channels or groups: In this method, the manager of the group or channel and his friends, family and users advertise his posts and channel links in other groups and channels, and thus the users who see these advertisements enter the channel. Or the group is specified


3 - Participate in channel exchanges: In this method, by participating in channels that exchange, you register with the methods mentioned in the channel or exchange group, and at the time specified by the exchange channel manager, the specified list for a certain period of time in Keep your channel and then you can delete the list.


4 - Channel exchange by agreement: In this method, you send a message to the managers of other channels and agree with them that, for example, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon for two hours to show each other's channel or group on your channel


** The above mentioned methods of increasing the subscribers were simple and basic, and most of the people who entered your channel with these methods are real people or subscribers, because by viewing your ad and clicking on the channel link to subscribe to your channel in have come **



5 - Add in different ways:

5-1 - With a robot or software: In this method with Telegram robots or special software that enter subscribers into your group or channel with different methods and mostly through Telegram APIs, and because in this method the user inadvertently enters the channel immediately. It comes out of the canal and lifts, which is said to have fallen or decreased.

5-2 - Another method in this section is that with a special method

And with special software with different numbers, they define users in Telegram, and from that user, they get output in a special format with special software, and they enter this output into your channel with another special software.

In this method, because the manufacturer has registered with virtual numbers or fake or inactive and the subscribers is not real to visit the channel posts are usually not visited.


6 - Push notification ads: Push notification is a message that appears on Android phones, this message is done through applications that are installed on Android phones. App developers can send push notifications at any time, and users do not need to open the app or use it to display the message on Android phones, because this message is displayed in the environment outside the desired application.
And finally mandatory ed

What is Compulsory Ed?

Mandatory Ed is a type of addition to your channels,

This is done through some informal telegrams

In this way, without you realizing it,

You subscribe to telegram channels and in some cases, they can even

Mute the notification so that you do not notice in any way.

How is compulsory ed done?

Due to the increasing development of Telegram and the widespread use of it in our beloved country , many unofficial telegrams have entered the field of competition

These informal telegrams (of which 5 of the best are listed in the article comparing the original version of Telegram with the unofficial ones) add many capabilities to the original telegram.

But some programmers have also added the option of mandatory editing to their Telegram program so that they can subscribe you to the channels they want.


Which type of subscribers is better?

It depends on your purpose and policy and what your channel is doing.

For example, for a channel that is operating as a store and selling products and needs to sell its products, buying fake subscribers is of no use to it, except in certain cases such as exchange and appearance.

Because supplies or products are sold in this channel, then a real and active member must be added to this channel to buy the product he wants, and for these channels that want to increase the sales of their own products.

So we realized that the type of member depends on the problems and to receive free guidance and advice and use the experience of our technical team, you can send your channel address to us in our telegram, Whats App, Instagram and email to be checked and the result And provide you with the necessary guidance.


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In previous articles, we talked a lot about the benefits of the Telegram social network, as you know, Telegram is growing rapidly and now has more than seven hundred million monthly active users.

Telegram Social Network is a user-centric network that helps you grow your business and you can sell very quickly

Why should we think about selling in Telegram?

Now you may be wondering why launching a sales channel on Telegram is so important for our business! There are many reasons to answer this question. Here are some reasons why this is important.

buy telegram subscribers

Advertise for sale in Telegram:

A look at Instagram reveals that it is a hot market for advertising various business pages. We must say that Telegram can also be a good source for advertising. Depending on the traffic rate and the number of members of your channel in Telegram, you can get different غير مجاز مي باشدts for advertising different pages and in this way you can earn money for yourself.

Consider a dedicated account for sale in Telegram

To start your own business in Telegram, it is better not to use your personal account. To manage your store channel, get a separate SIM card and have a special account for your store admin or support. You definitely need to find a way to connect with your channel members. This will give you more confidence and confidence in your customers.

You do not have to put your contact number in the channel, but be sure to provide a username or ID for the connection. The admin or backup ID must be associated with your channel name.

When building a channel, be sure to consider these items: (buy telegram channel subscribers)

Definitely, for you who are an old Telegram user, building a business channel seems simple. But to increase sales in Telegram, you need to pay attention to some small points in this work. To create a channel, click on the New channel option in the settings (three parallel lines). On this page, you must enter the main information of your channel. It may seem a little simple. But with a few details, we help you build a professional sales channel on Telegram.

Channel name
It is best to choose your channel name that accurately reflects your type of service. Why? You must have used the Telegram search section before. All Telegram users use this section to find their specific channel or topic. So if you choose a name that refers exactly to your products, you have a better chance of being seen.

Channel image
Some of you who are reading this article may have noticed this. When choosing an image for the sales channel in Telegram, make sure that your image is displayed in a circle. Therefore, use an image that does not become abnormal if cut.

This part of your channel has a tremendous impact on increasing sales in Telegram. Do not doubt that all customers must refer to this section before buying. So the channel description section actually represents you. So by choosing the right sentences, you should gain the audience's trust in the shortest possible time. Gaining customer trust is the main and effective step in selling your products.

The best way to grow your business in Telegram is to buy Telegram members

One of the most important parameters that plays a very important role in online sales is gaining users' trust in you. Even if you go through the above two steps well but the user can not trust you, you have lost the rhyme. You can use the following suggestions to attract more audience and increase sales in Telegram.

  • Constantly post tracking products, photos of customer satisfaction and photo in your channel. It is not even bad to consider a special channel for this. Put customer satisfaction content in the new channel and * *
  • write the link in the main channel description. This way, everyone can trust you even at the beginning of entering the main channel of the store.
  • It is better to put tracking codes and photos of customer satisfaction in the channel in a way that completely shows that it belongs to you. It also protects you from abusers.
  • You can type in the name of your channel at the end of your customer chats to indicate that it is relevant to your business. You can also use your channel name to post sent packages.
  • Be aware of the number of views of posts and the number of channel users. Low ratios can lead to users losing trust and speculating that your followers are fake.

How will I find you?
As much as possible, try to publish complete information about yourself in your Telegram channel profile. In-store store address, personal website, ID of other social networks, especially Instagram, inserting contact number if possible and… can play an important role in your authenticity and reliability.

Extra letters are forbidden
Many people consider themselves the unconditional owner of a channel or page and publish whatever content they like. Unaware that the sheer volume of irrelevant content can make users on the channel run away. Plan and act on the content and products you want to publish on the channel.

How to Buy Telegram Members ?



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What are the benefits of buying a member for Telegram Group?

In recent years, we have seen the use of tools such as the Telegram Group to accelerate business growth, sales and training is very useful.

Telegram software, which alone and without the need for any additional features, has proven to be very successful in these cases and is a leader in this matter by offering newer features in each new version.

High speed in sending messages and any type of audio and video files and high security of Telegram software are some of the things that increase the popularity of this software every day.

If you have used software such as Whats App, you are probably familiar with the term group

Telegram allows you to invite Telegram members to your group

One of the most important advantages of Telegram compared to other software is the ability to increase the membership up to 200,000 members

Although no one has ever experienced a group with this number of members, the Telegram group manager should know that the more members there are, the less likely the user is to leave the group.

Types of telegram groups and the importance of groups with real members

There are two types of group use in Telegram: private group and public group

What are the differences between Telegram groups and what are their characteristics?

There are a few differences between the private and public groups that we describe here:
Private Telegram group Private Telegram group:

In this type of Telegram group, only the manager,which means the person who launched the group, can access the invitation link and use it to increase the Telegram group member so that members can enter the group directly.

Sample link of Telegram group

When a new group is set up, it is initially private

This type of group is not available to anyone through the Telegram tool search

The group manager can add up to 200 members to the group at the beginning of the group setup

Adding a member to a group is done through the member's username or from the contacts list

Note: Telegram robots are also members of the Telegram group

Public Telegram group:

This type of telegram group is very popular. Increasing the membership of the Telegram public group is very easy because any Telegram member can access the link, title or content of the group by searching in the Telegram tool, and after visiting the group, join the group of members.

The trend of increasing membership in these groups depends on the quality of the content, the number of members or the competition of similar groups

Using the special features of buying a Telegram member from TG members can quickly increase the number of members

The purchased members are completely active , and if the content of the group is useful to them, they will not leave the group

Here, the role of group managers in how to manage the group is very important to be able to use the desired content in the group

Telegram public group members can add other members to the group via the link

Telegram public group link can be personalized and each group can select the desired link if it is open

Telegram groups have many capabilities and facilities that have been discussed more in educational articles

Some businesses prefer to interact more with their customers or audience by creating a telegram group. If you are one of those people who have chosen the Telegram group to grow your business, it is better to accelerate your progress by buying an active group member. My member group members are completely real and have the ability to chat and buy from your group.

What is the purchase of a Telegram group member?

A Telegram group member is useful when you want to have a business-friendly group and you want to increase its membership. Buying a Telegram group member is one way you can use this to create more customers for yourself.
Buy Telegram group member

Membership and the presence of people is needed for each group, and the more people there are, the more credibility and trust people have towards these groups.

In this method, to add and increase members to the Telegram group, we use the method of real members and fake members, which are of high quality.

Very low drop in Telegram group members

Can be purchased up to 50,000 members for Telegram Group

Use the form below to buy  fake group member

Important points before buying a Telegram group member

✓Be sure to leave Ed or Add access open.

✓It is possible to leave or leave ed members in the group and it depends on the subject of the group.

✓Before buying a Telegram group member, make sure that your group has a suitable name and photo.

✓Important information in buying real group member:

✓The real member of the group is done through the member of the real (mandatory) contacts. Some members are online and some are offline.

✓Reason Due to the fact that the members are real, it is possible to disrupt the order of the group, and after adding, you should have more management on your group.

✓ Loss between 10 to 70% - the subject of the group and management has a great impact on reducing the loss!

✓ Be sure to open the group member ed.

✓ Can be done up to 100k (maximum SuperGroup capacity)

✓ Order time 1 to 24 hours.

✓ Important Note: For a real member, if your group does not have an anti-link bot, be sure to admin our user (Next_Member_Admin @) in the group. Being an admin is only required for when the order is being processed and then we will lift! Becoming an administrator in your group is for deleting ed member messages in the group!


Important information in buying fake group member:

✓ Has a suitable name and profile photo.

✓ Very very very low fall! 2-3%!

✓ Note that Ed Member

Be sure to open the group.

✓ Can be done up to 30 k or more

✓ Order time 1 to 24 hours

Are these types of members real?
Yes, these types of members are completely real and after joining, you will be in their control group.

Important points in buying an offline Telegram member

✓Order time is between 1 to 24 hours.

✓You should not change the channel ID or make the channel private while ordering.

✓The loss of this method is from 0 to 15% and it should be noted that more members are offered to customers than the purchased amount. [Due to the global constraint created by Telegram, this drop may be more than the numbers listed, or even Telegram will remove all fake members from the channel, because Telegram is constantly identifying fake members.]

✓Dear users, please read the description carefully, if there is a problem, contact us.

✓Support phone: Apply first via Telegram - Support Telegram ID: @lilisupp

✓After registering each order, a message will be sent to us and there will be no need to call and follow up on your behalf.

✓Orders will be authenticated if required.

✓Enter the requested information accurately and correctly in order to execute orders faster.
PayPal secure payment gateway allows Telegram member users to pay and register their order with ease and ease.

Buy Telegram Members

Target Group Members!!

Maybe you are one of those people who are looking for special and 100% real members.
The good news is that we support this service.
Keep in mind that members from the target group will be added to your group. In fact, you select your members and we add them to your group.
Important points before buying Telegram group member

✓Be sure to leave Ed or Add group open.

✓It is possible to leave or leave ed members in the group and it depends on the subject of the group.

✓Before buying Telegram group member, make sure that your group has a suitable name and photo.

✓Important information in buying a real group member:

✓The real member of the group is done through the real contact member.

✓Due to the fact that the members are real, it is possible to disrupt the order of the group, and after adding, you should have more management on your group.

✓ Loss between 10 to 25% - the subject of group and management has a great impact on reducing the loss!

✓ Be sure to open the group member ed.

✓ Can be done up to 100 k (maximum supergroup capacity)

✓ Order time 1 to 24 hours.

✓ Important Note: For  real member, if your group does not have an anti-link bot, be sure to admin our user in the group. Being an admin is only required for when the order is being processed and then we will lift! Becoming an administrator in your group is for deleting ed member messages in the group!

Advantages :

✓One hundred percent real members
✓Increase the credibility and trust of your group
✓Have members in your group
✓Easy to order and get the requested members
✓Your direct supervision over the order fulfillment process

Have The Best With Us <3



۶ بازديد

Due to the rapid growth of the Telegram social network, it is predicted that Telegram will soon become the largest social network in the world.
Telegram currently has more than 600 million monthly active users, and this statistic will grow significantly in the coming months.

One quick and efficient way to increase your members is Buy Telegram Subscribers.

We provide the following services:

We have always tried to provide you with the best quality, to get your complete satisfaction.

If you also own a business or a Telegram channel, you have definitely experienced the experience of buying a Telegram member as sweet or bitter.

Why can we experience buying a Telegram member as a sweet and bitter experience? The bitter experience was that you trusted an ID in the telegram and ordered a member, or a member was not hit for you, or you received a full fake or the same unreal member.

What is the best time to buy a Telegram member?
This is a guide file for Telegram channel admins or those who want to grow their Telegram channel in different ways. First of all, you should try to learn exactly when is the best time to buy a Telegram member. Should I buy a real Telegram member or a fake Telegram member?

If your channel is newly established, first of all try to prepare 50 quality and pure posts, even with a member you are. 50 posts that were prepared and published, it is better to buy a few Telegram fake members to increase the credibility of your channel. Many friends ask why buy a fake member? If you buy a real member from the beginning, you have to pay more, and instead the real members who enter the channel and see that there is no member will lift your channel.
Well, once you have purchased a few fake members, now is the time to buy a view for your 50 posts as well. That means doing exactly that so that no one notices that your channel is fake. Go to Landing to buy View One Telegram Member One and order a view or visit Telegram for your last 50 posts.

It's time to dump her and move on. These types of members are real but have less activity than pop-up and غير مجاز مي باشد members.

Our suggestion is to start with the mandatory Telegram member first, and after a short time, buy a few pop-up members or the same optional member, and after the channel has stabilized, order a غير مجاز مي باشد member and غير مجاز مي باشد ads.

But you may be wondering what is the best way to buy a Telegram member now? غير مجاز مي باشد links to which contacts are connected are currently one of the best hosts for advertising.

we accept UPI(Paytm) and paypal

  • To pay with UPI (Paytm) , send message to support : @lilisupp

There are 2 ways to increase your channel / group members in Telegram. (Long method and fast method)

Long method : 

In the long run, you increase the number of members of your channel by placing quality content and sharing with similar channels.

Fast method (recommended) :

Buy Telegram Subscribers

In this way, you buy a member for your channel / group at a low غير مجاز مي باشدt.

for example : ( 1,000 Fake Members only 5$ and 10,000 Fake Members only 39$ )

Buy Fake Telegram members

Buying a fake Telegram member is the cheapest way to increase your channel / group members. ( buy telegram subscribers)


In the page that opens, select the service you need. (Best-selling product: 10,000 fake members, $ 39)


In the page that opens, click on the yellow box. (ADD TO CART)

After displaying the above message, click on “VIEW CART”

Check the order and if it is correct, click on “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT”

Your Telegram ID : Enter your personal Telegram ID ( example: @yourname )

Your Channel / Group : Enter your channel or group ID ( example: @yourchannel – @yourgroup )

Whatsapp Number (optional) : Enter your Whatsapp Number (optional)


Select the payment method and click on “PLACE ORDER”


If you have any questions, please contact us :

Telegram Support : @lilisupp




۷ بازديد

How to buy real Telegram Subscribers

What is a real Telegram member?
Who are the real members of Telegram?
How to buy a real Telegram member?
Increase the actual membership in Telegram and other questions that Telegram users may have.

How to grow our business by buying a Telegram member? Why is it necessary for a business to participate in these platforms? One of the biggest benefits of being a messenger like Telegram is the reduction of advertising غير مجاز مي باشدts. Follow us to the end of this article to find out how you can advertise cheaply but effectively, keep your brand in the minds and memories of the audience and interact with them.

Undoubtedly, the best way to increase Telegram channel members is to insert good posts and principled advertisements in Telegram channels. But there are times when you want to increase your channel membership quickly. In these cases, there is no other way for you but to buy Telegram members.

With the dramatic increase in Telegram users, the world of industry has itself become accustomed to changes such as monetization through social networks, which means that users can help improve this process by using their groups and channels and selling any of their products.
So with a little care and wisdom, you can start a small but thriving business, provided you know the ways to get the most out of it.
Of course, your channel members must be relevant to your business theme. For example, if your site is for local sales, you can not have members from another country or city because they will not have a purchase (unless you have global sales).
On the other hand, with more Telegram channel or group members and more views of your posts, it will be easier to trust you at the beginning.
But what is the reason for choosing a real Telegram member?

You may be wondering what is the difference between a real and an unreal member?
Or which one will be more useful?
You should know that each has its own reason for choosing.
So we provide our explanations about a real member of Telegram, so that you can use the services of the Telegram Member team wisely.
The actual mandatory ed member is randomly global.
Note that they are not selected from a specific section and are random.
So after choosing, you should expect the existence of any type of member, whether it is Italian, American, Chinese and etc.
Real members will have a view, but not too much, so if you choose this service because you have more views, remember that they do not have a significant view and you have to buy it to have an acceptable view.

Real members will have a reaction and this will be their main difference with fake members. This is one of the main reasons for buying this service.
For many Telegram admins, it is very important to have people in your channel or group, at least some of whom are online, so a real member would be a great choice.
Real members can be a great start for any admin around the world, or even if just increasing your telegram membership is important then this arithmetic service will come in handy.

Special real member

It may be your request to have a member of your choice.
I must say that this request is also applicable, but the question is how ?
By purchasing another package we called the target member.
More details about this package will be given in a future post.

Real member without drops

I must say that this is just a fake ad and do not be fooled by this type of ads because the real member may not be attracted to your channel or group for any reason.
Of course, professional admins use their personal techniques to keep members in their channel after ordering.
But what are these techniques ??
To begin with, it should be remembered that everyone has their own way in business, so with a little creativity in doing anything, you can take full advantage of opportunities.

As much as you can influence your channel
Using GIF video photos or even effective music and text will be very useful.
It should be noted that they must be effective and that they must not be your personal taste. In this case, you must consider the general taste and then choose.
In today's multimedia world, the use of effective content in any project, online projects may be important and not ineffective.
But you may not be familiar with the proper and standard content writing process, so I suggest you read the relevant content.

After the appropriate content, go to the appropriate name of your channel or telegram group.

Now you can start exchanging with other related channels.
but how?

First of all, an important factor to consider is the relevance of the members between your channel and the channel.

Select the channel from which you want to extract the member, then contact the relevant admin and express your desire.

Choose an attractive name for the channel

One of the principles of success that is common to every social network; Choose a beautiful and attractive name for our profile. Whether you are active on Instagram or your field of activity is in Telegram, the first step to be seen and shine more is to choose a beautiful, attractive and unique name. The name you choose for your channel should be appropriate for your activity. You should choose this name so that it is easily recorded in the minds of your audience.
Choose a beautiful profile picture

Your profile picture is the first item, after the channel name, that the user sees when encountering your Telegram channel. Profile picture or profile picture has a great effect on attracting the audience. If you own a business or brand, your profile picture should include elements of your brand, such as corporate color, or typography of your brand. Your channel profile picture should reflect your type of activity.
Produce quality content

The main part to attract and keep the audience in the Telegram channel is to produce quality content. You may also have an attractive username or profile, but your audience will leave your channel after joining your channel for a while.
To stay loyal to your audience, you need to always focus on the principle of producing quality content. In producing quality content, creativity comes first. The more creative you are, the more audience you will attract. Certainly no audience would like to be a member of a channel that has seen similar content over and over again.
Create a content production calendar for the Telegram channel

You need to have a good timeline for publishing content; Publishing too much content in a short period of time can be annoying for the audience. Also, if you do not work on your channel for a long time, users will miss your channel and you will lose your audience.

You should try to publish content and posts in a regular and purposeful way and have a principled plan and stay loyal to that plan.

To succeed in this way, you can even use the Telegram SCHEDULE MESSAGE feature. That is, send your content ready to send, but instead of documenting at the same time, select the SCHEDULE MESSAGE option and then specify the submission time.
Send channel posts in groups

To get a real Telegram member, your audience must discover you. Discovery by the audience is directly related to your activity. You need to share your posts in groups and super groups to introduce your channel to others. This
Groups should be relevant to the topic of your activity.

Find channels whose area of ​​activity is close to yours, and then look at the number of members they have. Put your channel link in your channel and you advertise for their channel in your channel.
Publish channel links in social media profiles

Put your channel link in your social media profile, Bio section. For example, if you have a page on Instagram, you can put your Telegram channel address in Bio Instagram. By doing this, you can find an audience for your Telegram channel from Instagram. You can even set up an account for your channel on other social networks.
The last word

With the online marketing of businesses, increasing the number of followers and members and members of social networks has become one of the main concerns of social media managers.

Telegram is no exception to this rule. Buying a fake member or follower is not recommended for activity on any social network. Just as buying a follower fake on Instagram will do a lot of damage to your page, buying or selling a fake member for Telegram is just as detrimental to your channel.

It is recommended that you use natural ways to increase the quality of your Telegram channel members, such as: producing quality content, sharing and advertising.

have the best with us <3




۵ بازديد


Telegram is one of the top and most popular social networks in the world, this social network has been able to attract more than 500 million monthly active users, and this number is very high.

an easy way to Increase your Members is Buy Telegram members & Buy Telegram Subscribers.

Telegram social network offers many services to its users, including the possibility of creating Telegram groups - Telegram channels and ...
Also unlimited storage space, the ability to send video and audio messages and everything you need from a social network.

One of the services that Telegram offers to its users is the ability to create a channel to introduce products, etc., you can present your products to countless users by creating a channel on the Telegram social network.

After creating a channel on the Telegram social network, you should advertise it to increase the sales of your products by attracting members. There are several solutions to increase the number of members of your channel:

1 - Advertising on other social networks

2 - Advertising in Telegram groups

3 - Send ads to your audience on Telegram

4 -  Buy Telegram members


The fastest way to increase your members is to buy fake members .


Buy Telegram channel member for advertising
All businesses need to use advertising to succeed and thrive. In a way, it can be said that advertising is one of the most important and basic issues that should be considered. There are various methods and techniques to perform this process. But in general, advertising is done in two ways, online and offline, which can be used to introduce both businesses and brands.

But today, with the advancement of technology and the increasing use of people in the digital world, it can be said that the effectiveness of online advertising is greater than offline advertising. Digital advertising is done on different platforms and sites and as mentioned, it is one of the best spaces in the field of digital telegram. What is the main purpose of advertising? How can businesses be introduced to people? How can credibility and trust be built in society?

There is a similar answer to all these questions, and that is advertising. You can start your ads on this platform by purchasing a Telegram channel member. But this is not the end of the matter, and in order to increase the number of members and increase user satisfaction, it is necessary to use attractive and audience-friendly posts.

All businesses are looking to introduce themselves to the public in the shortest possible time using different methods and methods. In addition to the demands of businesses, by purchasing Instagram pop-up followers, other basic and important things can be done. Also achieved. We will explain more about these cases in the following.


What important things can we achieve by purchasing a Telegram channel member?
There are four main reasons for advertising that business owners are trying to achieve. The first issue that is very important and key is to introduce the brand, products and services to the target community. This important thing can only be achieved if we can use principled and purposeful advertising. Another thing that makes us use advertising is to increase sales, which can only be achieved if we can promote ourselves well among the people so that we can sell ourselves with the positive mentality that we have created in their minds. Increase.

In addition to increasing sales, businesses are looking to achieve other things, such as increasing the credibility of their business, in order to be able to overtake their competitors more than ever. Now that a business has been able to achieve all of this, there is another important point to consider, and that is gaining people's trust. These four are a big part of the goals and aspirations of businesses that we need to increase the audience to achieve them. In Telegram, this can be achieved by purchasing a Telegram channel member, and the contents of this section can be summarized as follows.

To succeed, businesses need advertising through which they can achieve four important principles; that includes:

  • Introducing brands and products to the target community
  • sales increase
  • Increase the credibility of businesses
  • Gain the trust of your audience and customers

Buy Telegram Members or Buy telegram subscribers to better introduce the brand and services
Now, what strategy should be adopted to introduce the brand and products? Certainly we have to consider several things to achieve this. Using advertisements is probably the best option before us that can have a great impact on increasing the customer. For this process, various sites and social networks are available that can be achieved by developing business in them. For example, advertising on Instagram and Twitter can be our solution. Or using the site and increasing the ranking in Google is effective in better introduction.

But with all these ways, the great influence of Telegram in this matter cannot be hidden. It can be said that by purchasing a Telegram channel member, the audience can be easily increased, and since most Telegram users spend a large part of their leisure time in it, other existing platforms can be used for advertising on this platform. When you increase the number of members by buying it, you will definitely see that the audience is increasing day by day and in the shortest possible time, and this is an achievement that in other ways of advertising, غير مجاز مي باشدts us a lot of time and money. Will take.

By buying members, sales can be increased

Another concern that business owners face is increasing sales. To increase sales of products, we need to have many customers who know our business well. In a way, increasing sales is directly related to increasing customers. In the previous section, we explained that by purchasing a Telegram channel member, the audience and customers can be increased. Businesses often use tricks and various advertising methods such as discounts or special offers to increase sales. However, by reducing profits, they want to increase their sales. Or they use different banners and billboards to increase sales, which will غير مجاز مي باشدt them a lot. But it can be said that these methods of advertising are very risky and it is possible that due to the high غير مجاز مي باشدt we will not receive proper feedback from the target community.

Therefore, with all the problems in advertising, this risk can be greatly reduced by using Telegram. Business owners use two different ways to advertise their telegrams to increase their sales. The first way is for businesses to use the popular Telegram channels to increase sales. In this way, it is better to include your site link in these ads so that people become more familiar with your business through the link. The second way is for business owners to think about launching the Telegram channel and increase their members by purchasing a Telegram channel member in order to face a wide range of audiences.




۴ بازديد


Telegram is the world's largest social network, with more than 600 million monthly active users. The safest and most accessible social network is active.
Many users are added to the number of active users of the Telegram social network every day.
Telegram is a great social network for growing your business, given the large number of monthly active users, which is over 600 million. You can use this opportunity properly.

There are several ways to grow your Telegram business:

  • Advertising on Telegram channels
  • Advertising on sites
  • Buy Telegram members
  • Introduce to old customers
  • ...

Each telegram channel, when established, has only one member, which is the founder of the channel. It is recommended to buy some members before doing any advertising.

Example :

You enter a telegram channel, do you think that if the channel already has ten thousand members, do you trust it more or when it has only ten members? Usually a telegram channel with ten thousand members has a better chance of attracting an audience. In addition to having a better chance of attracting a user, he has a better chance of buying a user from that business. Because users trust more.

our services :

  • Fake Telegram members
  • Real Telegram members
  • Fake Telegram post views



۵ بازديد

Buy real Telegram members

What is force add Telegram subscribers? how it works?

How to buy real Telegram members?

You may have recently heard the word "real member"

and have questions such as questions in your mind.

It is not bad to have a general review of this issue and get acquainted with its nature.

So please stay with us until the end of the article.

A few years ago, when a phenomenon called the telegram arose and seriously affected the lives of many people,

businesses started operating in the telegram, many of which became lucrative.

The many channels that were created with different topics and were used to inform the people,

made the source of information for many people telegrams. Therefore,

the channels gained credibility by receiving more members and made their work more visible.

Let's see how valuable a member is in the Telegram channel and can be important and vital for the channel owners.

What good is Telegram members?

The member is the most important thing for the channel.

In other words, a member is a sign of the credibility of a channel.

All the facilities and services that a telegram channel offers are for its members.

For this reason, there are many channels in different fields such as:

political, sports, news, cinema, store, jokes, tweets, fan pages of celebrities and… in Telegram,

each of which has its own audience and quality Their better performance will increase the number of members.

subscribers is multiplied, especially in business channels.

Because each member can mean a customer to its owners.

This is why channels are working hard to attract more members,

and channels have been created in this area.

Many channels advertise to increase their subscribers and it is natural that they pay the price.

These ads can be done anywhere. Including Telegram itself, Instagram, various sites or wherever virtual advertising can be done.

Thus, various channels were created with the theme of selling members fraudulently

or genuinely to newly established channels or channels that need to attract more members to make things easier for such channels.

What is  real subscribers?

One of the types of recruitment in Telegram that is almost real is "Telegram Member Compulsory Ad" or "Compulsory Ad Member".

This type of member absorption works quite realistically.

This means that the member assigned to the channel is completely real.

Numerous channels in the Telegram falsify themselves by attracting fake or counterfeit members,

and in a way they only adorn their appearance so that if someone sees their channel by chance,

they will say to themselves, "It must be a reputable channel that has so many members."

But in fact, the quality of that channel indicates its validity,

and as soon as that member becomes aware that the channel is counterfeit, he decides to leave it.

This is where the difference between a fake and a real member comes into play.

real subscribers in Telegram is not done by the software. Because a lot of software is made to buy and sell Telegram members, which are mostly fake.

But real subscribers is done only by owners of informal telegrams.

In this way, you are unknowingly entering a channel while you are unaware of it.

In general, this type of member recruitment is called compulsory subscribers.

In many cases, they even mute the notification so you don't understand.

But how does this happen? How can we enter a channel without even knowing it?

In the following, we will answer these questions together.

How does buy real Telegram member's ed happen?

Due to the fact that Telegram is progressing day by day and its updated versions are immediately available to the public,

so there are more possibilities in the newer versions.

One of these features is the ability to force members to edit into another channel.

Of course, it should be reiterated that this feature does not exist in the original version of Telegram at all,

but only in unofficial telegrams, etc.,

it is created by professional programmers of these programs.

If you are a user of one of the unofficial telegrams,

it must have happened to you that when you check your list of channels,

you will notice a channel that you have not had before but you are a member of.

But it is also possible that you will not realize this for a long time while you are a member of a channel that you are unaware of.

It is up to the developers to determine what capabilities are available for this.

real subscribers is done in 3 ways. Normal, silent, hidden. In the following, we will describe each of them.

buying real members types

buy real subscribers as usual:

In this method, you enter a channel without wanting to,

and in the meantime, the message "You have entered a certain channel" is displayed to you,

and as a result, you will understand.

In this case, if you do not have Bob Bob channel,

you will leave it immediately.

It should be noted that the member loss in this method is very high.


Forced member editing silently:

This method is similar to the first method,

except that the notification message does not come to you

and you almost do not realize that you have been forced to enter a channel.

It is natural that the member loss in this method is less than the first method.


Forced member subscribers secret:

In this case, you enter a channel that you will never know.

Because both the message will not be shown to you and after your arrival

The channel will be hidden from your view or placed in the section of your private channels that you are less likely to access.

For this reason, the drop in this case is less than the other two methods,

because you are not aware of the presence of such a channel that you want to exit.

The posts of that channel will naturally decrease.

But the third method is a more suitable way than the first two methods

because it can be understood by considering the lower drop than the other two methods as well as ensuring the authenticity of the members.

The least benefit is that you make your channel more credible to your older members.

What is the capacity of real subscribers?

The capacity of each channel to buy real ed members is equal to one million.

This means that each channel can receive up to one million real members.

It should be noted that these members are 100% real.

Also, its decline is between 30 and 70%, which is a relatively large number.

For example, suppose a women's clothing store channel buy real subscribers,

and by chance the audience on that channel may include older men, children,

or people who have nothing to do with the channel.

So naturally they leave the channel after watching it.

What can be done to prevent it from falling?

We can come up with a strategy to prevent people from being forced into the channel.

real sale of ed members to generic themed channels.

As we have said, the women's clothing store is a specialized channel whose audience is women,

and if it uses the real telegram member,

it may attract people who are not related to it.

For this reason, compulsory subscribers must be sold to a channel that is more common among the people.

For example, channels such as jokes, news channels, political channels and other channels that people deal with the most.

For example, if a joke channel buy real subscribers,

the audience that enters it is more welcome than a channel like a lingerie store.

Specialized channels such as stores and…

It is better to use the optional member method or pop up, which gave itself another world.

buy real subscribers is the fastest way to increase subscribers.

So that we can allocate 100,000 real members per day to a channel,

which is too much to increase the daily subscribers.

Of course, it should be noted that there is another type of real ed member

that in this method it is not possible to leave the channel for the ed member and the member will always remain in the channel.

Of course, we do not offer this feature at this time.

Why buy Telegram members first?

Purchasing a channel member is an initial investment to start a business.

If you want to start a business, you first have to invest some initial capital in it so that you can grow it.

For example, suppose you have just started a sandwich shop and you want to start from scratch.

You pay the initial غير مجاز مي باشدt for the required goods. Add more color and glaze to your shop.

You decorate for it. You offer many opportunities to attract customers.

You advertise widely and you pay for it. All this is done so that you can attract more customers

and increase your credibility with the people.

The same goes for a newly established channel.

A channel that is just starting to serve the people must first introduce itself to the people.

The channel is recognized by the people by its members,

so that if someone enters a channel,

the first thing they check is the number of members to see how credible the channel is.

That's why its owners at the beginning of the activity pay a fee to receive the initial members in order to attract the customer at first sight.

This purchase of an initial member is like the غير مجاز مي باشدt that the person pays for their sandwich shop.

How can we make sure that real ed members are real?

It is very convenient. You can connect with them after you buy  real member to your channel.

Many channels buy fake members and after realizing it,

they can not do anything and it is not possible to communicate with that member,

and they realize that it is just fake telegram members account and is to protect the appearance.

But with a full-fledged real subscribers,

you can get in touch with your registered members after making it to make sure it is valid.

Some important points to buy real Telegram members

Consider that attracting real members will definitely come with a downside because the user can decide whether to stay or not.

If you see a place where they can guarantee that they will sell you real members without losing it, do not be fooled at all because it is impossible.

Be very careful in producing the contents of your channel because it has a direct relationship with increasing the subscribers and of course maintaining the current members.

Optional subscribers or pop-up is a better way for channels that want their content to be better viewed.


Have The best With Us <3

